"Won't You Be My Valentine," in IthacaLit, Winter 2015
"Créme Fraîche" and "Callery Pears," in decomP, 2015
"Survivor's Guide to Sex" in The Los Angeles Review, Spring 2014"Listening" in Poetry Daily, April 20, 2018.
"Facts and Little White Lies" and "How to Draw a Room" in Boulevard, Spring 2018
"The Birds of Pennsylvania," in Crab Orchard Review, 22.1 (2018)
"Potamology" in The Awl, July 13, 2017
"Diorama of the Symptoms and Treatment of Hysteria" in Epoch 66.1 (2017)
"The Octopus" in Event Horizon, April 2016
"Resurrection After Hours" in The Pinch, Spring 2016
"Times Square Mosaic" and "Canopy in Snowstorm" in The Ekphrastic Review, February 2016
"Won't You Be My Valentine" in IthacaLit, December 2015
"Hearts of Palm" in Bordersenses, 2015
"Crème Fraîche" and "Callery Pears" in decomP magazinE, 2015
"Trade and Transformation" in Pank 11, 2015
"The Chain" in New Delta Review, May 2015
"Club News" and "Tenth Avenue Art Club" in Forge, March 2015
"Cauda Equina," "The Classics," "Second-Hand Volcanoes" and "mouth pried open, mouth clamped shut" in The
Scrambler, Summer 2014
"Survivor's Guide to Sex" in The Los Angeles Review, Spring 2014
"Luna Moth," winner of Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Poetry Prize, 2013
"Inquiry: Storm," "Photographing Snow," and "Oh, How I Miss Illusion" (published under a different title) in Barge, Winter 2013
"Photographing the Tanager Bar," and "Inquiry: Color" in Prism, Fall 2012
"Flyball" in Cold Mountain Review, Fall 2012
"Beginnings" and "Chemical Impulses" in Front Porch, August 2012
"Letter from Sweetwater" in Plainsongs, Spring 2012
"In the Entryway" in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, March 2012
"Por Bem" in The Massachusettes Review, Vol. LII, No. 2
"Crossing Hart Creek" in Folio, Fall 2010/Spring 2011
"Yard Work" in Poetry Northwest, Spring/Summer 2011
"One Act" in Gigantic Sequins, Winter 2011
"Lanesville" in Cafe Review, Winter 2011
"The Epistemology of Crows" in Natural Bridge, Fall 2011
"Inquiry: The Geranium" in Anti-, December 2010
"Inquiry: Detail" and "Inquiry: The Image" in The Other Journal, Summer 2009
"Mercy" in The Adirondack Review, Winter 2009
"The Missing Rib" and "War Games" in New Letters, Fall 2009
"The Altar" in The Atlanta Review, Winter 2008
"Phone Call from the French Quarter" in Cimarron Review, Winter 2008
"A Celebration: Maude Oklahoma" in Hayden's Ferry Review, Spring/Summer 2008
"Trivia" and "Mint" in Fourth River, Fall 2008
"Liatiko" and "In the Fields" in Winning Writers, War Poetry Contest, Honorable Mention, 2008
"Love in the Wild" in the Asheville Poetry Review, 2007
"Attempt" in Rattle, Summer 2007
"Créme Fraîche" and "Callery Pears," in decomP, 2015
"Survivor's Guide to Sex" in The Los Angeles Review, Spring 2014"Listening" in Poetry Daily, April 20, 2018.
"Facts and Little White Lies" and "How to Draw a Room" in Boulevard, Spring 2018
"The Birds of Pennsylvania," in Crab Orchard Review, 22.1 (2018)
"Potamology" in The Awl, July 13, 2017
"Diorama of the Symptoms and Treatment of Hysteria" in Epoch 66.1 (2017)
"The Octopus" in Event Horizon, April 2016
"Resurrection After Hours" in The Pinch, Spring 2016
"Times Square Mosaic" and "Canopy in Snowstorm" in The Ekphrastic Review, February 2016
"Won't You Be My Valentine" in IthacaLit, December 2015
"Hearts of Palm" in Bordersenses, 2015
"Crème Fraîche" and "Callery Pears" in decomP magazinE, 2015
"Trade and Transformation" in Pank 11, 2015
"The Chain" in New Delta Review, May 2015
"Club News" and "Tenth Avenue Art Club" in Forge, March 2015
"Cauda Equina," "The Classics," "Second-Hand Volcanoes" and "mouth pried open, mouth clamped shut" in The
Scrambler, Summer 2014
"Survivor's Guide to Sex" in The Los Angeles Review, Spring 2014
"Luna Moth," winner of Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Poetry Prize, 2013
"Inquiry: Storm," "Photographing Snow," and "Oh, How I Miss Illusion" (published under a different title) in Barge, Winter 2013
"Photographing the Tanager Bar," and "Inquiry: Color" in Prism, Fall 2012
"Flyball" in Cold Mountain Review, Fall 2012
"Beginnings" and "Chemical Impulses" in Front Porch, August 2012
"Letter from Sweetwater" in Plainsongs, Spring 2012
"In the Entryway" in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, March 2012
"Por Bem" in The Massachusettes Review, Vol. LII, No. 2
"Crossing Hart Creek" in Folio, Fall 2010/Spring 2011
"Yard Work" in Poetry Northwest, Spring/Summer 2011
"One Act" in Gigantic Sequins, Winter 2011
"Lanesville" in Cafe Review, Winter 2011
"The Epistemology of Crows" in Natural Bridge, Fall 2011
"Inquiry: The Geranium" in Anti-, December 2010
"Inquiry: Detail" and "Inquiry: The Image" in The Other Journal, Summer 2009
"Mercy" in The Adirondack Review, Winter 2009
"The Missing Rib" and "War Games" in New Letters, Fall 2009
"The Altar" in The Atlanta Review, Winter 2008
"Phone Call from the French Quarter" in Cimarron Review, Winter 2008
"A Celebration: Maude Oklahoma" in Hayden's Ferry Review, Spring/Summer 2008
"Trivia" and "Mint" in Fourth River, Fall 2008
"Liatiko" and "In the Fields" in Winning Writers, War Poetry Contest, Honorable Mention, 2008
"Love in the Wild" in the Asheville Poetry Review, 2007
"Attempt" in Rattle, Summer 2007